CategoriesBusiness Marketing Real Estate

Five Building Collapse Warning Signs

Building collapse has become a common occurrence in different parts of the country leading to loss of lives and properties worth millions. According to a Lagos state inquiry, there were at least 135 cases of collapsed buildings between 2007 and 2013. It has also been observed that most of the buildings that collapse are multi-storey structures. Building don’t just collapse, there are always warning signs; however most property owners and tenants tend to ignore these signs.
Large Cracks on the Wall – Thermal movement is one of the major causes of cracks that are seen on the walls of buildings. If overlooked, it could eventually lead to the collapse of the building. Cracks on the wall of a building is a natural sign that shows the structure cannot sustain the movement or load it is subjected to. When cracks appear in the walls of a building, it is either a structural crack or a non-structural crack.
Creaking Sounds – Creaking sounds occur when the metal parts of the building contracts more than the wooden parts, as a result both parts rubs against each other. Creaking sound is an indicator that parts of the building are failing and when it becomes loud and repetitive, that is a sign to evacuate the building.
Collapsing Ceilings/Mould and Water stains on the Wall – Moulds and water stains are caused by moisture penetration, when water reaches a part of the house that should not be wet. A damp occurs when excess of moisture is trapped within the structure of a house. Moisture has a natural tendency to spread out from wet areas of a house to the dry parts.
Weak Supporting Structures – Weak supporting structures can result from several factors such as substandard building materials, tears and fissures in foundation structures. A building is likely to collapse when a primary structural element fails, leading to the failure of other structural elements, which finally culminates in the collapse of the building. Also deformed siding can lead to building collapse because it is the siding that protects your building from the moisture and other elements.
Moving House – This one of the most hazardous warnings of an impending building collapse. Over a period of time, certain parts of the house start shifting from their original position due to foundation problems. When the foundation of the building shifts, it creates a ripple effects of events throughout the house, which causes the house to move.

CategoriesConstruction Marketing Real Estate

Five Ways to Keep your House Cool without Air-conditioning

Purchasing an air conditioner may not be what you can tick off your To-Do list right now, but if you find your house uncomfortable as a result of the heat, there are creative ways to make it even more conducive without air conditioning.
Buy a Box Fan – Box fans are often placed in or near the windows, it helps to draw in cool air from outside or pull warm air out of a room depending on how they are placed. If the blades face the window screen, the fan helps pull hot air out of the room, flipped the other way, it draws in air from outdoors. It saves energy and is also an affordable alternative to air conditioning. For your kitchen and/or bathroom, fix an exhaust fan that will pull the hot air that rises after you cook or in your bathroom to draw out steam after showering.
Close your Curtains and Blinds – Heat finds its way into the house through windows, to lower the indoor temperature, close your curtains and blinds. It is advised to use dark curtains and blinds, and this will help to reduce the flow of sunlight into the house. When the sun is down, you can open up all curtains and blinds to allow fresh air in.
Stay Hydrated and Take a Cold Shower – To keep your house cool, you have to feel relaxed within. Drinking water regularly is the first step, and it makes your body hydrated and replenishes body moisture lost to heat. Taking a cold shower or bath also helps to cool the body by lowering its temperature.
Disconnect Unnecessary Heat Sources – One of the major causes of heat are unplugged heat sources which include your chargers plug, TV and other electrical appliances that draw in additional heat through the socket. To lower the temperature in your house, always unplug chargers and other appliances that are not in use. Also, consider using more energy-efficient and LED bulbs, it saves energy, money and heat felt in the house.
Declutter your House – Sometimes the heat you complain about can be caused by all the unnecessary load in the house. When your home is congested, there is little or no room for air to move freely. Clearing out the house will enable proper ventilation and allow air to circulate freely. Also, if there is a room no one is using, close it off to keep the cool air in only occupied areas of the house.